Clubhouse Closure and Renovations (Reminder)

This is a re-posting of an email sent to all HOA members a few weeks ago:

Exciting changes are coming to the Amberly Clubhouse!

We are working on completing the renovations at the Amberly clubhouse. Some of the updates you can look forward to are:

  • New game tables for the recreation room upstairs

  • Media room upstairs with snack bar

  • New furniture

  • New carpet

To allow for the upcoming changes to be completed safely and in a timely manner, we will be closing the clubhouse from February 21–March 26, 2022. The gym, hot tub, and restrooms will remain open during this time.

The gym will be closed March 2–3.

We are excited to restore our clubhouse as a fun neighborhood amenity!

Pool Safety and Responsibility—A Reminder

Hello Foxboro North HOA Members,

We appreciate the community and hope all are having a safe and fun summer in spite of the high heat and drought conditions we are facing as a state.

This communication is one that is extremely important, as it pertains to the safety of our community (especially our children).

We have had a few extreme incidents at the pool the past year that have inspired this important pool reminder.

Parents, please make sure that your children are watched by you when they are in the pool. There is NO LIFE-GUARD ever on duty at our community pools (as is also posted on all pools for clear visibility) and as such it is the responsibility of the Parents or the adult(s) that are supervising the children, to watch over and care for them and their safe well being while being in the pool.

Here are a few of the rules that pertain to safety that we wish to remind each homeowner about and to remember the importance of obeying these rules so we can avoid any potentially life threatening issues for the children that you allow into the pool with your access.

Rules as posted below as seen on the HOA Website at: (this is not an all inclusive list in this email, so please see the webpage for all rules and local laws the HOA has posted for the use of our community pools).

Here are some particular rules we wish to call out around pool safety, so that the community can avoid the potential life threatening issues that can arise if these rules are not vigilantly followed.

  • WARNING - NO LIFEGUARD ON DUTY, bathers should not swim alone, children 14 and under shall not use pool without responsible adult supervision. (This means your children must be 15 or older to be in the pool without an adult. This rule also is often disregarded but we have had too many incidents with children under this age attending without supervision. Any resident may ask your child to leave if they are under age and without supervision. We strongly urge you to please come together as a community and be responsible and properly obey all access rules.

  • Children under the age of five years are prohibited from bathing in a spa or hot tub.

  • Lifesaving equipment must not be used for any reason other than its intended purpose.

You may be asking why is this email being sent with this important plea to follow these rules. It is because we deeply care and have concern for the safety of all our community members and their children. We want to keep them all safe and avoid any potential life-threating issues that could happen if these rules are not followed

We appreciate all of you and wish you the very best this year. May you be safe in all you do and have a great summer!


The Foxboro North HOA Board

Water Conservation Improvements and Opportunities

Hello Foxboro North HOA Neighbors!

We hope you are all enjoying your summer and are managing to keep cool. We've observed high pool usage and thank you for following rules and respecting our community amenities so that we can continue to enjoy them. We also appreciate those who have reached out to let us know when there have been irrigation issues. Being a volunteer board, we are often unaware that sprinklers may be on at two in the afternoon on the opposite end of the neighborhood, so your kind messages letting us know of such issues are helpful.

The Board has been researching water conservation strategies in an effort to decrease our water usage, not just in times of drought, but in times of plenty, as well. We have discussed our drought situation and express concern for Utah this very dry summer season and looking ahead to next year. We have been working with our landscaping company to cut down on the frequency of waterings, keep the grass longer, and make sure timers are set to optimum watering times.

We have also met with the Weber Basin Water Conservancy District to gather tips and resources for managing water usage. We believe it would be beneficial to share what we've been researching with the rest of the community so that those who are interested may implement their own water saving strategies.

Weber Basin Conservancy District offers classes to the public on a wide range of topics. They also have a library of previously-recorded classes to fit your schedule, as well as offering new classes periodically. There is also a rebate program you can look into to see if you qualify.

We, the Board, would also like to ensure the community is aware that we are not cracking down on yellow lawns this summer. We do still expect yards to be free from weeds and well maintained—grass should be mowed regularly, to about three to four inches in height. Be sure any changes you may implement are inline with the CC&Rs and rules of the community and to seek out Board approval on applicable changes before they are made to prevent delays or possible fines.

City code may or may not allow certain changes to park strips and landscaping (e.g. xeriscaping), so some rebates offered may not be available in our city. Be sure to talk to North Salt Lake City to be certain you are adhering to appropriate city codes.

We wish you a continued safe and happy summer.


The Foxboro North HOA Board

Clubhouse Reservations Have Resumed

Good afternoon neighbors,

As a board we have discussed current restrictions and policies regarding covid. There are no longer any restrictions currently on gatherings per the county or state of Utah. We are excited to announce that we are re-opening the clubhouse for reservations again! Please use the following the link to the website to schedule reservations.

Thank you for your patience over the past year as we’ve all had to navigate new rules and temporary adjustments.

Enjoy your summer,

Foxboro North HOA board

With Pool Access Comes Responsibility—A Quick Reminder

Foxboro North HOA Neighbors,

We hope you are enjoying your summer so far. Now that both pools are operating, these long summer days will be more tolerable. We would like to remind the community of the rules so that we may all enjoy our amenities and keep them looking nice, as well as safe for use. 

As we learned last year, getting the pool shut down in the middle of summer for too many violations isn’t a fun experience, one that we definitely don’t want to repeat again this year. Let’s work together to keep our facilities open for all. These facilities belong to all of us. It is each of our responsibility to stop misuse when we see it. Treat our facilities with the same kind of respect you would treat your own property. ALL homeowners have the right to approach anyone and verbally request they stop inappropriate behavior. Please remember physical confrontation is not accepted. We must work together as a community to make sure rules are followed.

Some key rules are listed below, but you’ll want to review the full list of pool rules to make sure you and your guests are up to speed, as homeowners are liable for family and guest behavior.

Pool rules:

  • Safety comes first. It is of foremost importance and must be practiced by all!

  • Obey hours of operation, 4:30 am – 11 pm.

  • Any child under 3 years old, any child not toilet trained, and anyone who lacks control of defecation shall wear a water-resistant swim diaper AND waterproof swimwear. Swim diapers and waterproof swimwear shall have waist and leg openings fitted such that they are in contact with the waist or leg around the entire circumference.

  • Children 14 and under are NOT permitted within the facilities (pool, gym, clubhouses) unless accompanied by an adult owner of at least 18 years of age and charged with responsibility for their safety and conduct and MUST BE PRESENT AT ALL TIMES.

  • Children under 5 are NOT permitted in the spa.

  • Gates and doors are to always remain locked. No propping or holding doors or gates open for others. All users must use their own homeowner access (fob or app) to enter the facilities.

  • Boisterous, rowdy behavior, running, or disruptive behavior such as rude, crude, or foul language is not permitted.

  • Private parties are NOT allowed at the pools. If pool exceeds capacity, guests must leave to give priority to homeowners.

  • Amplified sound equipment is not permitted. (Earbuds are permitted.)

  • Tobacco products (including snuff and cigarettes, pipes, vaping, and cigars) and alcohol are NOT permitted on the premises. Persons under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicants will be denied access to the facilities.

Violations may lead to corrective action including, suspension of clubhouse privileges (seasonal or permanent), fines, and, in some cases, criminal charges. Please be courteous to others and respectful of property. Let’s work together to get the most out of our beautiful Utah summer season!


Foxboro North HOA Board         

Reminder: Pools to Begin Opening on May 29

On Saturday, May 29, both clubhouses, both gyms, and the Amberly clubhouse pools will be reopened for use by community members and accompanying guests with loosened restrictions. The Stonehaven pool will open a few days later after some needed repairs are completed.

Covid-specific waivers will no longer be required, and all members in good standing will have access to the facilities reactivated. However, a temporary limit of 50 people per clubhouse property will be in place until the county health department loosens that requirement.

If you’re planning to enjoy the pools this summer, now would be a good time to look at the pool rules. Please follow them and kindly encourage others to do the same so we can keep the pools open without interruption. Have a fantastic summer!

Reopening of Clubhouses, Gyms, and Pools

Dear Foxboro North Neighbors,

Greetings on this beautiful spring day!

On Saturday, May 29, both clubhouses, both gyms, and all pools will be reopened for use by community members and accompanying guests with loosened restrictions. Covid-specific waivers will no longer be required, and all members in good standing will have access to the facilities reactivated. 

Please note that for the time being, in accordance with county health policy, a maximum of 50 people will be allowed at each facility at a time—including the clubhouse, gym, and pool area combined. This means up to 50 people may be in the entire Amberly facility and an additional 50 at Stonehaven (the little clubhouse). We expect these limits to be temporary and relatively brief as long as pandemic conditions continue to improve in our area. We encourage everyone to demonstrate sensible personal precautions and empathy as we navigate this final phase of our journey.

Clubhouse reservations will resume later in the summer. We are hoping that by then health department capacity limits will have relaxed to the point where you can host events the way you want without the awkwardness of limiting your event due to other occupants in the facility when you arrive.

A few quick reminders:

The next annual meeting and election will be held on Tuesday, May 18, via Zoom. If you missed the event email and would like to attend, please contact Dixie Kramer at for details and an invite.

As usual, exterior structural, color, and landscape design changes must be reviewed and approved by the Foxboro North Design Review Committee. We’ve worked hard to make the process streamlined and easy, so save yourself a hassle by submitting your plans here.

And finally, with warmer weather upon us, closer monitoring of landscaping and parking are now beginning as well. Now would be a great time to trim lawns, clean up messes, and move trailers if you haven’t already.

Thanks for all you do to make Foxboro North a wonderful place to live. We’re pleased to finally make these announcements regarding our facilities and recognize the optimistic step it represents after a difficult year for all of us. We hope you all continue to be well and look forward to seeing many of you at the annual meeting.

All best,

The Foxboro North Master HOA Board

Limited Use of Gyms Resumes with Signed Policy and Waiver

Foxboro North Neighbors,

We are happy to announce that we are finally ready to open the gyms! We have been working hard to make the gyms as safe as possible and mitigate risk and liability to HOA members as we reopen the gym facilities. We will be monitoring use more closely, including nighttime security sweeps, to make sure rules are being followed. We ask that you please consider your neighbors as you utilize the gyms. Please be respectful of each other and follow the rules so we can keep the gyms open. 

Steps we’ve taken and changes made include:

  • UV purifiers in HVAC system

  • Socially distanced cardio and weight machines

  • Limited capacity in gyms

  • Sign-up sheets to help maintain reduced capacity

  • Cleaning supplies provided for member use on equipment after workout

  • Removed high points of contact (tv remotes, mats, workout balls, etc.)

  • Increased facility cleanings

  • Signed waiver required to use spa or gyms

We recognize that not all of our neighbors are comfortable using the gyms at this time and we respect your decision. For those who are eager to use the gyms, we have done our best to offer a clean and safe environment that members can use at their own risk. We are following state and county health guidelines and will adapt as needed. We will return to our regular operating hours of 4:30 am-11:30 pm starting Tuesday, December 29, 2020. Again, please be considerate and follow the rules. Access will be turned off to those who fail to comply. If we have too many issues with compliance, we will have to close the gyms. Please be responsible and respectful.

Thank you, 
Foxboro North HOA Board

Gym and Spa Status Update

Foxboro North Neighbors,

As temperatures fall, we know use of the community gym is becoming more important to many of you, as it is also important to us as fellow community members. We have received many inquiries about opening the gyms over the course of the Covid-19 pandemic. As a board, we have been working to complete the tasks necessary to open the gyms on a conditional basis. Due to state and county health department requirements, this has been difficult to do without considerable cost and effort.  We have worked hard, however, to research various cost-effective options and are doing everything on our end to ensure the cleanliness and safety of our facilities and patrons. This will also require those who use the gyms to do their part in maintaining a healthy environment.  

We will require homeowners wanting to use the gyms and spa to agree to new terms and conditions, similar to what was required for pool use this summer. Once all safety protocols are in place, all key fobs will be turned off until the new waiver is signed and returned to Foxboro North HOA. Key changes and requirements for opening the gym include: 

  • Masks/face coverings will be required while not actively using gym equipment

  • No guests allowed. All gym or spa users must be community residents who have signed the waiver or are part of a household that has signed the waiver

  • Limited gym capacity in each facility

  • Six-foot social distancing between patrons not of the same household

  • Access in the clubhouses will be restricted to the spa, gym, and restrooms only

  • Gym users must clean equipment after use with provided sanitizing spray/wipes

Failure to respect and adhere to the new rules will result in loss of gym privileges and possibly closure of the facilities. Please be considerate and responsible. We will adapt as needed as state and/or county health guidelines change. We are looking forward to opening the gyms again soon with your cooperation. We invite those who are interested to attend our next HOA board meeting on Tuesday, November 17, 2020 at 7:00 pm via Zoom where this topic and other current items will be discussed.  Please send an email to for the link. 

Thank you,

Foxboro North HOA board

Feedback Welcome at October 2020 Master Board Meeting


The next Master Board meeting will be held on October 6, 2020 at 7 p.m. via Zoom. The first 30 minutes or so will be reserved for community feedback and questions, so if you’d like to come and share ideas or questions, volunteer for assignments to strengthen the community, or just listen, please contact to request a meeting invite.

Topics will include:

  1. Community questions and feedback

  2. Budget review

  3. Evaluating the pool season following the Covid-19 provisional opening

  4. Tree repair following the September windstorm

  5. And more

Thanks very much. We hope to see you there.